Yokerburn Nursery
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Working Together

We ask support from parents/carers for the following:

  • Dogs should not be brought into the nursery grounds (Guide dogs excepted)
  • Always enter and leave by the nursery entrance.
  • Do not hold the door open for anyone else - we need to check everyone who enters our building.
  • Always make sure the front door closes properly behind you.
  • Do not let anyone else’s child out of the door.
  • Always sign your child’s name IN and OUT on the fire register.
  • Always let a member of staff know if someone different is collecting your child from nursery.
  • Please ensure your child brings a bag.
  • Please provide a pair of soft shoes (not slippers) for indoors (write name inside) and wellies for outdoors.
  • Children have accidents or get wet playing in the water etc and so we would ask that you please provide a change of clothes. Please put child’s name on all clothing and footwear and replace regularly if used.
  • Football team clothing is not encouraged for any children in our nursery.
  • If your child is unwell or going to be absent please let us know, by phone, as soon as possible.
  • We understand children like to bring a special toy or comforter to nursery, but will become very upset if the toy is lost or other children wish to play with it. There is no secure place to keep large special toys so where possible please leave precious items at home.
  • We discourage children from bringing sweets, crisps or juice into nursery. We have children and staff who have severe allergies and therefore we must be careful as to what foodstuffs are present within the nursery environment. Please do not leave any opened packets or juice in the pram store as this can encourage pests
  • The Education Department does not accept responsibility for clothing lost or stolen, so please ensure expensive clothes are not worn in nursery.
  • Yokerburn Nursery has a No Smoking policy. Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the building or within the grounds.
  • Mobile Phone Policy As part of our child protection procedures the use of Mobile Phones is not permitted in the nursery building or playground.