Yokerburn Nursery
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Meals & Snacks

Cordia staff provide our snacks and lunch food. The lunch menu changes on a four-week basis. Lunch can consist of either soup and a main meal or a main meal and a sweet. We cater for specific dietary needs for children and try to ensure a balanced and healthy diet from the youngest child upwards.

In our 3-5 age-group the introduction of a “snack bar” morning and afternoon encourages children to become more independent. They are able to collect a plate and cup, make or select their own snack, pour their own milk or water and tidy away after they are finished. Early literacy skills are encouraged through this activity when children can find and display their name card once they have had snack.

Yokerburn is a “tooth-friendly” nursery so children have a savoury snack and fruit, water or milk for drinking. Glasgow City Council charges for meals and snacks but there are exemptions.