Dear Parent/Carer,
On behalf of the staff, parents and children we offer you a warm welcome to Yokerburn Nursery.
This website is intended to let you know about our centre, the education service we offer, and the way in which we provide it. We aim to work in partnership with you to help your child develop positive attitudes which will enable them to be happy, healthy and confident across all areas of their life. We support all of our children to be the best they can be, we ensure they feel safe valued and respected and encourage them to understand the importance of being able to respect and care for others. As a parent or carer you will have an active role in this very important stage of your child’s development. We will keep you up to date with the life and work of the centre with regular newsletters and other information.
We are always pleased to talk with you and to answer any questions you may have. This is not always easy to do in the middle of a busy playroom and if you wish to discuss something in detail, or to talk privately, please let management know and we can arrange a time to meet with you. We hope you will enjoy your time at Yokerburn Nursery and we look forward to working with you and your child to provide them with best possible education experience.